Carl J. Wenning, Communications Manager
McLean County Republicans
Several voters have asked me to give my personal advice on the three statewide advisory questions and one countywide "public" question appearing alongside candidates in the 2024 election. I urge voters to say "NO" on all four questions. Here are the question titles, brief explanations, and my reasoning:
*** Assisted Reproductive Healthcare Advisory Question
This question advises the state legislature on whether to provide for medically assisted reproductive treatments, including in vitro fertilization, to be covered by any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides full coverage to pregnancy benefits.
ADVICE: As a conservative who values all human life from the point of conception to natural death, I strongly recommend a "NO" vote on this question. While IVF seems "pro-life," it is typically associated with the killing of numerous viable embryos.
*** Income Tax Advisory Question
The question advises the state legislature on whether to amend the Illinois Constitution to create an additional 3% tax on income greater than $1 million for the purpose of dedicating funds to property tax relief.
ADVICE: As desirable as it seems, "taxing the rich" and "making the rich pay their fair share" are misleading statements. The fact of the matter is the rich already pay the majority of taxes in this state despite claims and beliefs to the contrary. A 3% surtax on the wealthy will only exacerbate the rate at which the well-to-do are fleeing the state of Illinois. Once all the rich taxpayers are gone, those remaining will have to shoulder more of the tax burden. I recommend a "NO" vote on this question.
*** Penalties for Candidate Interference with Election Worker's Duties Advisory Question
This question advises the state legislature on establishing civil penalties if a candidate interferes or attempts to interfere with an election worker's official duties.
ADVICE: This one has me scratching my head; it needs to be clarified what problem they are attempting to address that is not already on the books. If the Democratic-dominated state legislature wants to do something about election interference, then it should require voter ID while balloting and while filing for voter registration. Democrats are on record supporting about a dozen measures that will allow them to dominate the state legislature into perpetuity. Given the nefarious source of this question, I can't imagine that this law is based on any good. I therefore recommend a "NO" vote on this question.
*** Eliminate the Office of County Auditor Public Question
Shall McLean County eliminate the elected office of County Auditor?
ADVICE: Currently, a publicly elected County Auditor oversees county expenditures. While an appointed auditor can do the same thing, an appointed auditor is accountable to those who appoint that office holder. This would, in effect, remove public accountability and produce a substantial conflict of interest. I therefore recommend a "NO" vote on this question.
(Updated 10/01/2024)