McLean County Republicans have created a Candidate Assessment and Accountability Review Committee (CAAR). The Committee is seeking public input into a questionnaire that will be provided to prospective and incumbent candidates for local office. The first round of questionnaires will be aimed at County Board, County Wide, State Representative and State Senator candidates.
The survey will include questions dealing with general principles applicable to the office and specific values. Results from the questionnaire will be used to determine the degree of support that will be provided as well as to evaluate an office holder’s performance while serving in office.
The Committee is asking the voters to submit questions they want answered in regard to specific offices. Submission of questions should be made by Monday, February 28, 2022. The link for submitting questions is
McLean County Republicans believe the Committee will help to clarify voting decisions by elected officials and strengthen the communication between voters and elected officials. They view it as a step forward in lifting the voice of the voters in McLean County.