Index of "ON THE ISSUES" Opinions-Editorials

The following are the titles of op-eds written by MCGOP Communications Manager Carl J. Wenning and published by the McLean County Times on their Politics page. Each is linked to the original news source.

  1. Virtue & Vice
  2. Republicans, Let's Get Back in the Game!
  3. Extreme vs. Mainstream
  4. The Party of NO!
  5. The Political Pendulum
  6. Our Public Schools
  7. Gun Violence
  8. Illegal Immigration
  9. Insidious Inflation
  10. Conservatives vs. Progressives
  11. Indoctrinating Students
  12. Matters of Conscience
  13. Election Integrity
  14. Sit It Out or Dance?
  15. Stand Firm or Compromise?
  16. Politics and Dead Fish
  17. The Evils of Soft Totalitarianism
  18. Illegal Immigration and Election Integrity
  19. Why I Speak Out
  20. Righting the Ship of State
  21. Buses, Trains, and Government Bloat
  22. Stealing Another Day of Life
  23. Are Conservative Republicans Bigots? (Part 1)
  24. Are Conservative Republicans Bigots? (Part 2)
  25. I Am Not a Camera
  26. What is the MCGOP Doing About It?
  27. Putting Lipstick on a Pig
  28. "We Have No King but Caesar"
  29. "By Their Fruits You Will Know Them"
  30. In the Balance and Found Wanting
  31. Paradoxical Support for the Democrat Party (Part 1)
  32. Paradoxical Support for the Democrat Party (Part 2)
  33. Democrats Trawling for Votes
  34. What Republicans Stand For
  35. Goals, Challenges, and Community Impact
  36. STOP the Democrats!
  37. Assaults on Trump
  38. A Conservative Agenda for America
  39. Why I'm Voting for Trump (Part 1)
  40. Why I'm Voting for Trump (Part 2)
  41. The Democrat Big Top Circus
  42. County Board: The Heart of the Matter
  43. What Americans Need to Prosper
  44. The Real Threat to Democracy
  45. The Dangers of a Harris Presidency
  46. My Advice to Two Local Races-Part 1 (Anderson vs. Chung)
  47. My Advice on Two Local Races-Part 2 (McGraw vs. Sorenson)
  48. An Appeal to People of Faith - We Must Vote!

(Last updated 10/30/2024)

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