The following are the titles of op-eds written by MCGOP Communications Manager Carl J. Wenning and published by the McLean County Times on their Politics page. Each is linked to the original news source.
- Virtue & Vice
- Republicans, Let's Get Back in the Game!
- Extreme vs. Mainstream
- The Party of NO!
- The Political Pendulum
- Our Public Schools
- Gun Violence
- Illegal Immigration
- Insidious Inflation
- Conservatives vs. Progressives
- Indoctrinating Students
- Matters of Conscience
- Election Integrity
- Sit It Out or Dance?
- Stand Firm or Compromise?
- Politics and Dead Fish
- The Evils of Soft Totalitarianism
- Illegal Immigration and Election Integrity
- Why I Speak Out
- Righting the Ship of State
- Buses, Trains, and Government Bloat
- Stealing Another Day of Life
- Are Conservative Republicans Bigots? (Part 1)
- Are Conservative Republicans Bigots? (Part 2)
- I Am Not a Camera
- What is the MCGOP Doing About It?
- Putting Lipstick on a Pig
- "We Have No King but Caesar"
- "By Their Fruits You Will Know Them"
- In the Balance and Found Wanting
- Paradoxical Support for the Democrat Party (Part 1)
- Paradoxical Support for the Democrat Party (Part 2)
- Democrats Trawling for Votes
- What Republicans Stand For
- Goals, Challenges, and Community Impact
- STOP the Democrats!
- Assaults on Trump
- A Conservative Agenda for America
- Why I'm Voting for Trump (Part 1)
- Why I'm Voting for Trump (Part 2)
- The Democrat Big Top Circus
- County Board: The Heart of the Matter
- What Americans Need to Prosper
- The Real Threat to Democracy
- The Dangers of a Harris Presidency
- My Advice to Two Local Races-Part 1 (Anderson vs. Chung)
- My Advice on Two Local Races-Part 2 (McGraw vs. Sorenson)
- An Appeal to People of Faith - We Must Vote!
(Last updated 10/30/2024)