Lincoln-Reagan Dinner in Review

Republican Party Chair Dennis Grundler: ‘Illinois Supreme Court Justice Lisa Holder White Delivered on Her Promise.’

Judicial Supports of the MCGOP
Judge Amy Lannerd, Justice Lisa Holder White,
Chairman Dennis Grundler, Judge Eugene Doherty

McLean County Republican Party leaders Dennis Grundler (Chairman) and Connie Beard (immediate past Chair) agree that Illinois Supreme Court Justice Lisa Holder White delivered on her promise to give an inspiring and informative presentation at the Party’s October 27 Lincoln-Reagan Dinner. Attendees strongly agreed if their strong ovation following Justice White’s presentation was any indication. Cities 92.9 FM radio personalities Cat Petersen and Ty Smith interviewed Justice White in an on-stage, sit-down setting. (Click on the title above to continue reading if necessary.)

“Illinois Supreme Court Justice Lisa Holder White delivered on her promise. The interview by ‘Modern Renaissance Man’ Ty Smith and talk show host Cat Peterson was a tremendous success. We learned so much about what made Lisa who she is today. I believe her story inspired everyone in the room,” noted Grundler. “Justice White’s heart for public service was clear and moving. Both are examples of what’s right with our Party,” added Beard.

U.S. Representative Darin LaHood was the first to address attendees after dinner. He spoke about recent events in Washington, DC, paying particular attention to the recent election of Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana to serve as the new Speaker of the House. He noted how Johnson was a wise and unanimous choice of House Republicans and described the many attributes that qualify him best for the job ahead. McLean County party chairman Dennis Grundler said, “Darin LaHood absolutely lit up the room with his presence; his insight on what is going on in D.C. was not only brilliant but shows why he is the right person for the Congressional 16th District seat.”

Former McLean County Chair Connie Beard also noted, “I’m so appreciative of Congressman LaHood giving us updates of the work of the Party in Washington.” Also serving as event coordinator, Beard stated, “Our Lincoln-Reagan Dinners are hard work but so worth the effort. There is no greater purpose than bringing good people together to encourage one another and instill hope that we can make a positive impact in our community.” Not only were more than a dozen members of McLean County Republicans involved in planning and carrying out the event, but a team of aspiring political leaders from the ISU College Republicans also assisted with the effort.

Some 140 supporters of McLean County Republicans were in attendance. These included politicians, judges, precinct committee persons, block captains, party officials, and other backers. Grundler noted afterward, “Wow! Our Lincoln-Reagan Dinner guests were truly a Who’s Who in local politics.” 

This year’s MCGOP Lincoln-Reagan Dinner was held at the DoubleTree Hotel and Conference Center in Bloomington. Planning is already underway for a springtime event. The Lincoln-Reagan Dinners supercharge Republican supporters and serve as an annual fundraiser for the McLean County Republican Party.

N.B. Note that a large number of photographs from this gala event can be found on the MCGOP Facebook page:










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