New Membership Program

McLean County Republicans Unveil New Membership Program

"Now more than ever, it's important that Republicans provide support to the recruitment of new candidates, the integrity of our election system, and communication of truth in a world of misinformation." Former MCGOP Chair Connie Beard

The McLean County GOP formally announced a new membership program during its Summer Picnic held at the Hesed House Venue in Heyworth on Sunday, August 13th. Former MCGOP Chairperson Connie Beard spoke briefly about the importance of this three-tier program and described the benefit package associated with each level. “Now more than ever, it’s important that Republicans provide support to the recruitment of new candidates, the integrity of our election system, and communication of truth in a world of misinformation,” Beard notes. Beard is now serving as the chair of the fundraising and membership team.

Beard noted how supporting the MCGOP through a dues-paying membership and participation in its events helps to build a community of dedicated conservatives, increase voter turnout, and win elections. According to Beard, “Here in McLean County, the hard work of ensuring good government is being done through the McLean County Republican Party. For less than a lunch at McDonald’s, a difference can be made in the future of our county and our state.”

Beard continued, “Our new membership drive provides an easy way to support the party and even comes with perks.” All dues-paying members of the MCGOP will receive a monthly newsletter, be invited to an annual membership meeting, and receive a McLean County Republicans mug. Higher membership tiers will include special speaker events, invitations to Books + Discussions (including receipt of up to two free books annually), and film screenings with follow-up discussions. The highest membership tier includes preferred seating at our annual Lincoln-Reagan Dinner, elected official roundtables, and special recognition (optional).

To find out more about this program and join McLean County Republicans, go to Read about the various levels, choose the preferred membership package, provide the required information, and confirm your responses. That’s all there is to keeping McLean County Red and turning Illinois Red.

Recent responses