On the Issues: Goals, Challenges, and Community Impact

Is there any hope for change in our state? What can single individuals do to stop the decline? It begins right here in McLean County. Your local Republican Party – the McLean County Republicans (MCGOP) – represents your conservative values and promotes and retains conservative elected officials. We can hold decision-makers accountable to our community. The constant goal is to replace progressive politicians at all levels of government – local, state, and national. Successful change can come through the support of our local party organization. (Click on the title above to continue reading if necessary.)

Right now, the radical Left in Illinois controls the executive and legislative branches of government, with the governorship and supermajorities in both houses of the state legislature. Together, they are producing laws – one after another – to entrench them in power forever and promote progressive policies. If we don’t turn them out of office, this state will be lost to radical Leftists forever. If we are to save our county, our state, and our nation, we must work to support the local Republican Party in its efforts.

A Review of Our Current Situation

We need your help to aid U.S. congressional district candidates Rep. Darin LaHood and Judge Joe McGraw win their seats in Congress to increase the razor-thin Republican majority. Right now, we effectively have a 220/212 conservative/progressive breakdown (3 vacancies). Our focus is on the congressional races in 2024, as no Illinois candidates are running for the U.S. Senate due to the 6-year term current Senate officeholders have.

The MCGOP needs your help to assist Illinois General Assembly senatorial candidates Sally Owens and Chris Balkema in winning their seats. Illinois General Assembly representative candidates William Hauter, Regan Deering, Desi Anderson, Dennis Tipsword, and Jason Bunting also need your help. If we can elect them all, this will help to end the Democrat supermajority in the Illinois legislature that is driving Illinois to wreck and ruin.

We need your help to keep conservative county officials in office: Don Everhart (Circuit Clerk), Erika Reynolds (State’s Attorney), Michelle L. Anderson (Auditor), and Kathy Yoder (Coroner).

We also need your help to regain Republican control of the McLean County Board – right now split 50/50. To do so, Republicans must support Board Candidates Adam Reeves (Dist. #1), Mike O’Neil (Dist. #2), Brian Loeffler (Dist. #3), Jerry Klinkner (Dist. #4), Chad Berck (Dist. #5; 4-yr. term), Randy Knapp (Dist. #5; unexpired 2-yr term), David Dunn (Dist. #7), Gary Stevens (Dist. #8), Susan Schafer (Dist. #9), and Mark Clauss (Dist. #10).

We also need your help to retain excellent judges: Lisa Holder White, Amy Lannerd, and Eugene Doherty.

Uncertain of your district and/or candidates? Visit Voter Registration Lookup for district information and determine your registration status based on your home address. This site will also give you your election-day polling place.

To fully support these conservative candidates, the MCGOP will:

  • Provide small Victory Grants to help fund their campaigns.
  • Develop, print, and distribute literature to woo the conservative vote.
  • Recruit, train, and energize precinct committeepersons who will work the 140 precincts across McLean County to turn out the vote.
  • Maintain our headquarters to have a place for meetings, training sessions, and distribution of campaign materials.
  • Provide internet access, pay rent, and pay utilities.

None of these support efforts come cheap, so we need your help. Unlike the Democrats, who receive a constant flood of money from Chicago and other progressive enclaves, we get very little help from outside McLean County.

Last but not least!

The head of the Republican ticket is former President Donald J. Trump and Ohio Senator J.D. Vance. These constitute an incredible team that is now vying for our nation's leadership - just the right type of leadership we need for our time! 

With a united effort, we can bring hope to our voters that this state can be saved.

Here is how you can help:

DonateDonations are the lifeblood of the MCGOP’s work, for we can do very little without such assistance. We are looking for generous individuals to give the local Republican party gifts of $500, $1,000, $2,500 or more. Such one-time donations will sustain the Party’s efforts through the general election of 2024 and the consolidated election of 2025, when we will elect municipal office holders, school board members, library boards, community college district boards, etc.

Become a MemberMemberships ensure regular, sustained income. Many seem unaware that the MCGOP has a membership program at three levels: Basic, General, and Premium. These memberships can be entered into with either one-time or recurring monthly donations. Memberships help build community and provide us with a constant revenue stream necessary for our day-to-day operations.

VolunteerHelp is needed for the autumn campaign. We need to fill several open office operations and events management positions. We currently require an office manager, office assistants, a volunteer coordinator, a ReStore Shop manager, and an events coordinator. Volunteers are vital to the success of the MCGOP!

Visit the McLean County Republican website to learn about these opportunities and support your local Republican Party. Also, read our monthly newsletters, peruse our NewsDesk op-eds, and follow us daily on our MCGOP Facebook page. Together, these will help you learn more about what we are doing and how you can support our effort to make America great again!

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