Meet the Mayoral Candidates for Bloomington and Normal


On Saturday, January 18, 2025, the McLean County Republicans held a candidate forum for the mayoral candidates of Bloomington and Normal.  It was an event free to the public and held at Freedom Baptist Church in Bloomington. Approximately 100 people attended.  For 90 minutes voters had an opportunity to meet and hear the plans for  the three candidates for Bloomington and 2 of the 3 candidates for Normal. 

Click on title for more information. 

First on the agenda was presentations by Kathleen Lorenz and Chemberly Harris, both current city council members and both running for mayor against the incumbent Chris Koos.  Mr. Koos did not attend the forum. 

After their presentations both candidates took questions submitted by those attending for about 20 minutes.  That time was followed by presentations from all 3 candidates for Bloomington mayor- Dan Brady, former state representative, Cody Hendricks, former city council member and Mboka Mwilambwe, the current mayor.   That time was also followed by a nearly 30 minute question and answer session. 

As it is important for voters to know as much as they can about candidates it should be shared that out of these candidates the only ones that have voted Republican are Kathleen Lorenz and Dan Brady.  

Videos of these presentations and the question and answer time can be found with the following links on YouTube:

Kathleen Lorenz

Chemberly Harris

Q and A for Lorenz and Harris

Dan Brady

Cody Henricks

Mboka Mwilambwe

part 1 Q & A Brady, Hendricks, Mwilambwe

Part 2 Q & A Brady, Hendricks, Mwilambwe

This sound quality is admittedly not the best.  We are always looking for volunteers to help us with tech and communication.  If interested call Connie Beard 309-824-9394

We share links to the story run by the Pantagraph on the meeting and to WGLT who was also present. 

Pantagraph story


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