Towanda, Downs, ChenoaEvent contact
Leon Kaeb309-989-1878
Fourth of July ….Republican Style 2021
We have three opportunities to support our party and encourage people to support the Republican party on Sunday, July 4th in our area parades.
Please consider spending a couple of hours or even the day walking or riding with our float and helping us reach voters.
Below is the list of parades, times and meeting locations so we encourage you to pick a time and join in the fun of handing out candy or flags to the kids and adults. A smile and a wave is all it takes.
If you have trouble finding the float you can call or text Leon Kaeb at 309-989-1878 or Connie Beard at 824-9394 for help.
You’ll be looking for our white float with banners and the small wagon with Baby Ree, our Republican elephant.
Lunch provided for walkers who commit to all three parades. All walkers will also receive a free McLean County Republican T-shirt. Please sign up for a parade shift to help us prepare.
Before and after each parade we will need help taking apart or restaging the float for transport. All helping hands will be appreciated.
1. Towanda Parade starts at 10 am with line up at 9am. We will meet at 9am to decorate the float. Typically our staging postion is right across the street from Towanda Elementary School on South East St.
2. Downs Parade Starts at 12pm with line up and staging at 11:00 at the Tri-Valley School Complex on Washington St.
We will enjoy a lunch break in Chenoa following this parade.
3. Chenoa Parade Starts at 2:00pm with line up at 1:00. This is a large parade and you definitely will need to search us out if you are not coming from Downs. We check in at the Water Tower on Division street but line up is quite a distance away so you can text Leon or Connie to get an exact location of where we line up once we get there. This is really a great 4th of July parade and worth the effort to take part.
Please join us for some great exercise, great community building and a focus on why our county is great!
DON'T FORGET TO SIGN UP FOR WHICH PARADE YOU WILL ATTEND! Shift 1- Towanda; Shift 2- Downs; Shift 3- Chenoa
Posted by Katarina Trninich on ,