McLean County Republicans are expressing a strong objection to having candidate Krystal Able seated on the McLean County Board. Able applied for temporary placement on the Board that was created when District 4 Democrat Matt Coates stepped down. Her application was reviewed by the McLean County Board on August 10.
McLean County Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 176 President Cory Wills strongly opposed Able's seating on the Board at the August 10 meeting. Wills said that Able would “cause great division within the community,” according to the records of the meeting. Wills cited several of Able’s social media posts which advocated the defunding of police and elimination of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Able indicated at the hearing that she is a proponent of the SAFE-T Act (Safety, Accountability, Fairness, and Equity-Today) that will become law in January. The Act will, among other things, end cash bail and turn the criminal justice system into a revolving door for criminals. The Act is strongly opposed by many in law enforcement and the judiciary.
McLean County Republican’s Chair Connie Beard weighed in on Able’s candidacy. “Abel is a radical and in fact, an extremist. We don’t need additional calls for action that decreases public safety.” Beard further noted, "Every County Democrat Board member that night voted to support Able and her radical positions and in doing so showed their true colors.”
The only District 4 Democrat to apply for Coates’ open position, Able’s seating was blocked on August 10 by an 8-to-7 party-line vote. The question of seating her will come up again on August 26 as County Board Chair John McIntyre seeks to find Coates’ replacement.
Republicans are quick to point out that “the Democrats serving on our board or running for office are not your traditional JFK Democrats,” according to Beard. “They are radicals who threaten public safety with cuts in funding. The new SAFE-T Act allows for suspects who are arrested for assault and battery, robbery, intimidation of elderly, trespassing and any number of serious crimes, to be booked then released that same day. This does not make our communities safer. “
Able has also filed to run for one of two open Board positions in McLean County District 4 during the November General Election. Republicans Steve Harsh and Jerry Klinker are on the ballot to fill the two open positions.