Election Information

Want to see if you are registered to vote? 

Use the link below to look up your registration or go straight to the registration button and register.

Register to Vote

*** Consolidated Election  on April 1, 2025***

Races for Mayor, City Council, School Board and more.  These are non-partisan races but being informed about a candidate's political affiliation is important.

Such information helps voters make informed decisions. 

See all of the races and the Normal and McLean County Candidates

See off of the races races and City of Bloomington Candidates

Learn about the Republican Candidates for Normal Township Offices

*** Voter Resources***

Illinois Board of Elections (Research where candidate money is coming from)

iVoter Guide for Illinois - (Find out where the candidates stand on the issues)

Illinois Right to Life (Where the candidates stand on this issue)

Restore Our Constitution

Ballotpedia - (Questions and answers from the candidates)

VOTE411 Voter Guide - (Personalized voting information - learn about election candidates and issues and more)

Illinois Voter Guide - (Non-partisan information by League of Women Voters of Illinois)

2020 Illinois Republican Party Platform - (Where the Illinois Republican Party stands on the issues)

Why Vote? Five Reasons


*** Ballots & Voting Locations ***

What will be ballot look like? (November 8th General Election)

Early Voting Locations

Find Your Polling Place 


*** Precinct & District Maps ***

McLean County Precinct Maps 

Bloomington Ward and Precinct Maps

McLean County Board Districts Map (Countywide)

McLean County Board Districts Map (Bloomington-Normal)




MCGOP Goes on Record Opposing Radical Progressives on McLean County Board 

The Town Crier: Daily Opinion Pieces about Local Matters from "A Conservative Friend" at MCGOP:

  1. What Do Party Platforms Say?
  2. Economic Ideas and Taxes
  3. Social Issues
  4. Social Welfare - Part 1
  5. Social Welfare - Part 2
  6. Law and Order
  7. Border Security
  8. Liberal Euphemisms and Illinois Amendment 1
  9. Profligate Democrat Spending Hurts Us All
  10. Democrats: Liberals or Progressives?
  11. Does it matter who controls the McLean County Board? - Part 1
  12. Does it matter who controls the McLean County Board? - Part 2
  13. Does it matter who controls the McLean County Board? - Part 3
  14. Compassionate Conservatism or False Compassion?
  15. Silent No More: Our Moral Responsibility to Vote

The Tuttle Rebuttals: 40 Responses to Popular Political and Economic Myths

iVoterGuide on the Issues

"Vote Republican: Put yourself in a better state!"

Videos by the Illinois Republican Party:

Government Bloat - 7000 Taxing Units

Amendment 1: Catch and Release

Indictments and Jail Terms of Democrats

Democrat One Party Rule

School Problems & Parental Choice

*** Conservative News Sites ***


McLean County Times 

The Center Square (Illinois) 

The Western Journal 

Conservative News 

The Babylon Bee 

National Review 

The Heritage Foundation 

Illinois Review 

Illinois Policy Institute


The Federalist


*** Continuing Education ***

Hillsdale College FREE Online Courses - (conservative)

National Constitution Center - (non-partisan)


(Last updated January 7, 2025)