Jesse Sullivan Addresses MCGOP Group

Bloomington, Illinois (March 9, 2024) – Mr. Jesse Sullivan, 2022 Illinois gubernatorial candidate from Petersburg, Illinois, spoke enthusiastically to people of faith over a McLean County Republicans-sponsored breakfast on March 9, 2024. He addressed two questions during his delivery, "Can people of faith have an impact in the world of politics?" and "Should they?" Mr. Sullivan's response to each question was a resounding yes! (Click on the title above to continue reading if necessary.)

Jesse made the point that we, as people of faith, need to wake up to the spiritual warfare that is going on all around us. So many of today's prevailing trends established by the progressive Left and pushed by the cultural elites, big business, and social media are an affront to Almighty God – abortion, infanticide, euthanasia, transgenderism, and gay "marriage," to name but a few. According to the event coordinator and former McLean County Republicans Chair Connie Beard, "To abandon our government to the forces of the enemy is to dishonor God's plan for the governance of man. To abandon the education of our children to the forces of evil is to speed the destruction of our next generation."

As Mr. Sullivan – a 39-year-old Christian activist – suggested, we need to put on the full armor of God and enter the battle. People of faith should run for school boards, city councils, county boards, planning commissions, state offices, or as precinct committeepersons. In McLean County alone, nearly 400 office openings will come up during the spring 2025 campaign season.

The audience included several clergy, all of whom received a copy of Well Versed, a book providing biblical answers to today's tough questions. If the response of attendees was any indication, Mr. Sullivan presented a great program. He concluded to a rousing round of applause, and those in attendance asked many follow-up questions. Another MCGOP event for citizens of faith is already in the offing as we enter the presidential campaign season. Watch for future events on the McLean County Republicans website.

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Jesse Sullivan describes himself as a Christian first, a husband, and father of seven. Founder and general partner of Alter, a global tech venture capital firm. Former Republican candidate for Governor of Illinois. Former DoD counterinsurgency analyst in Afghanistan. Presidential Leadership Scholar. Oxford Masters in Global Governance + Stanford MBA. His 48-minute presentation to McLean County Republicans on March 9 is available online at

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