Latest statements from McLean County GOP:

  • Grundler: "We are extremely excited about our Lincoln-Reagan Dinner"

    The McLean County Republican Party cordially invites the citizens of McLean County to attend their Lincoln-Reagan Dinner on Friday, October 27th. The party leadership is "extremely excited" about the dinner and has high expectations for this gala event. Illinois Supreme Court Justice Lisa Holder White will be this year's keynote speaker. (Click the above title to continue if necessary.)

    Hon. Lisa Holder White
    Illinois Supreme Court Justice

  • Illinois Democrats Criminalizing Resistive Gun Owners

    In early August, the Illinois Supreme Court upheld the state’s prohibition on what is commonly referred to as “assault weapons.” This prohibition is enforced under the Protect Illinois Communities Act, which not only forbids the possession and sale of these firearms but also mandates their registration by owners. (If necessary, click the above title to continue.)

  • Illinois' Destructive Energy Policy

    Author David T. Marx

    In 2021, JB Pritzker signed the Climate and Equitable Jobs Act into law. The law phases out coal and natural gas production by 2030 and 2045, respectively, with a goal of 100% renewable energy by 2050. The law does much more than that, but let’s focus on this goal, which is economically and physically impossible to achieve without significantly reducing the state’s ability to function. Energy is required to do everything we do. Reducing available energy means that every activity will have to be restricted in some way. (Click on title to continue...)

  • Let's Get Back in the Game!

    I’m an elected precinct committeeman for McLean County Republicans. I’m also a huge sports fan. Because of these interests, I sometimes use sports analogies to make political points with others. The word analogy is rooted in the Greek word logos, which means “reason.” It is often easier to reason or make a point using an analogy. “She’s as blind as a bat” and “He’s as busy as a bee” are two common analogies that drive home a point. (To continue, click the link above.)

  • Jeanne Ives Addresses McLean County GOP

    Jeanne Ives Addresses the MCGOP

    Former member of Illinois House of Representatives Jeanne Ives (44th District, 2013-2018) gave a super-charged talk to about 60 members of McLean County Republicans in Bloomington on August 22nd. Her focus was on the activities of the Democrat party in Illinois and what Republicans can do to turn the state red. She rallied the troops to take the next crucial steps in the process.


  • McLean Republicans Rally Around the Judiciary

    McLean County Republicans Rally Around the Judiciary

    McLean County Republicans rallied around conservative justices during their 2023 Summer Picnic at the Hesed House Venue on Sunday, August 13. Various judges and political candidates spoke, holding the audience of nearly 100 people in rapt attention.

  • Consider Becoming a Precinct Committeeperson

    Consider Becoming a Precinct Committeeperson

    Precinct Committeepersons (PCs) are the backbone of any political party. Precinct Committeepersons impact every level of government, from local school boards to who sleeps in the White House. McLean County is in great need of grass-roots political leaders who can serve in this capacity. These individuals should not be confused with election judges or poll watchers, for which there is also a great need to ensure election integrity. 


  • MCGOP Attends SURUS Summit

    MCGOP Pillar Leader Kim Miller


    McLean GOP Leaders Attend SURUS Summit

    Five leaders from the McLean County Republicans attended a conference sponsored by SURUS Illinois on August 16th. SURUS Illinois is a political operative of entrepreneurs, former candidates, political staffers, and passionate conservatives who envision an Illinois in which a motivated and galvanized citizenry is the most potent political force. Their stated mission is to turn Illinois Red. They believe they can do so by reaching a “victory number” of 562,399 votes. The hope is to develop a healthy political ecosystem that works daily to change the hearts and minds of pursuable voters.


  • New Membership Program

    McLean County Republicans Unveil New Membership Program

    "Now more than ever, it's important that Republicans provide support to the recruitment of new candidates, the integrity of our election system, and communication of truth in a world of misinformation." Former MCGOP Chair Connie Beard